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A member registered May 30, 2021

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Hi there :D

I'm about to start playing with a group of friends and I was wondering if you have a suggestion on how to handle a quidditch game. Should it have a set number of rounds in order to give the team that didn't got the golden snitch a chance to win? 

For example: if a match lasts twenty rounds and Gryffindor manages to score 16 goals for 160 points and Hufflepuff scores 0 goals but catches the golden snitch, Gryffindor still wins. 

Is a set number of rounds the way to go or should it just be whoever catches the golden snitch first?

I haven't been a GM before, so I'm not really sure if I should worry about details like this. I guess you play a couple of rounds, you introduce the golden snitch and whoever catches it first, that's it? 

What do you think? 

PS I'm very excited to play this. We're currently playing a much more complicated system and it's kind of awesome to have a chance to play a simpler one, especially one set in this world. Thank you for that. I must also note that I really appreciate the beautifully designed PDFs. Have a great day!